Wir und die goldige Mariann(a!)


09.10.19, 12:08
laabas^^! der artikel ist ja süß! schön, dass es dir so gut gefallen hat...mir auch^^. freu mich schon auf den nächsten urlaub mit dir! bis bald...iki ;-)
09.10.19, 12:08
HI labas! I was reading about your experience in Chios and I found something about Lithuania! It was super surprising for me :) I am Lithuanian and ex Chios volunteer (like Dimitris would say "negative" one :))) do you still have all these strange rules and facts: -no family or friend can visit you first half of your beeing in Chios. -volunteers are "family" and "must" to spend as much as possible time together. -you must sleep at home. -if you want to travel to Turkey or Lesvos etc. your insurance is not working (what is totally not true - in your insurance agreement there is not written that your insurance is valid JUST in CHIOS:))) and many many another strange things :) I hope now situation is really better, because in my case it was real Kidergarten :) Greetings!
guest :)