
09.10.19, 12:08
das ist ja wahnsinn, was da passiert!! Dann steht die Bevölkerung hinter den Jugendlichen? Wär spannend mehr zuerfahren vor allem wie es jetzt weitergeht... was passiert nach dem Generalstreik? Will die Regierung mit den jungen Leuten sprechen? Ändert sich was für die Jugendlichen in Griechenland?
09.10.19, 12:08
hallo susi. ich denke an dieser stelle waere ein objektiver bericht ueber den ausloeser und die folgen der demonstrationen mehr angebracht gewesen als dein "Meine Situation ist noch schlimmer....."...."in unserer persönlichen Freiheit beeinträchtigt zu werden..."......worueber hast du dich bitte zu beschweren?ein jugendlicher ist gestorben weil ein POLIZIST auf ihn geschossen hat......dass rechtfertigt jedes chaos.
09.10.19, 12:08
lieber gast. einen objektiven bericht gibt es fast nie bzw. es ist nicht möglich einen zu schreiben, wenn man sich selbst in so einer zone befindet. susi kann ja jr davon schreiben was sie slebst erlebet und wi esie das alles mitkriegt. als bitte, beschwer dich nicht.
09.10.19, 12:08
Oh man, das ist echt was anderes, wenn man vor Ort von solchen Unruhen mitbekommt. Ich finds super, dass du hier mal deine PERSÖNLICHE Meinung dazu abgibst. Objekte Berichte hab ich einfach schon zu viele in der Zeitung gelesen. Das macht das ganze hier doch aus, oder? Von jemandem VOR ORT mal die Lage sich schildern zu lassen... ich finds super Susi!
09.10.19, 12:08
Es gibt auch eine etwas andere Sichtweise, als sie uns in den "Mainstream" Medien präsentiert wird: Z.B.: http://alexisg.blogsport.de/ Diese natürlich ziemlich einseitig. Trotzdem interessant zu lesen ...
09.10.19, 12:08
folgender augenzeugenbericht hilft vielleicht die hauptbeweggründe der demonstrantInnen zu verstehen... Hi guys, my name is Jiannis and I am from Athens Greece. First of all I have to apologize for my English. Anyway I'll try give my best!!! I am 33 y.o. and I own a recording studio in Exarhia. As you might know Exarhia is an area in the center of Athens, Exarhia is where young Alex was murdered by the killer-cop. Exarhia since (at least) the 60s is an area that welcomes anarchists, communists, intellectuals, and people with open minds generally. That happens simple because that area is the "base" of the majority of publishing houses and typography, theaters, alternative bars and coffee houses (that serve only coffee!!!) etc. Many significant Greeks have lived there... Such as the poet Kostis Palamas, the ex KKE (communist Greek party), leader Leonidas Kyrkos and others. The first and long term effort to shut the mouths of exarhia citizens was to chase all the drug addicts out of all the other areas of Athens and provide an asyloum to them in Exarhia square. This way is pretty "ugly" and difficult move around there. At the same time (the last 4-5 years) in any corner in exarhia streets there (except the square) are groups of cops supposing guarding the citizens but in reality terrorizing them, doing unnnecessary body searches, throwing sexual jokes for girls that happens to pass by etc. The purpose is simple. First sent away all the young people that want to express themselves in other ways and second to sent all the others (mostly the people that lives there) the message that they are under attack and they should go and hide in there "safe", "warm" houses, feeling grateful at least for there luck to be alive. Same way as most of the Americans felt after 9-11. The media at the same time supports this act. Of course all the good stuff taking place here such as free festivals, free movie shows, product or service exchange (no money involved) dont leave a profit for the government so they have to be stopped. How? with police force of course. Many times the citizens of exarhia, and I mean, simple, next door people, protest for this hypocrisy and requested for the police to leave. That never reached the media and it felt like we are living in a parallel universe a different reality inside our own country. The cops now, after a a lot of acts of brutality on innocent people that left unpunished, acts like hooligans and treat people as there enemies. Small incidents and small fights take place almost every day. What I want to say is that what happened was suppose to happen. We live in a beautiful country. We have perfect weather, we can see the sun for many hours every day, and we have hundreds of islands to go and enjoy and communicate and create something nice... All of these thoughts exists in most of teenagers minds. Maybe not very clear but at least they can feel this way. At the same time we have the 5th most corrupted government in Europe... We dont have health, we dont have education, we dont have transportation, we dont have public servants, our TV sucks, our cinema sucks, our commercial music is crap, we dont have culture (not any more) our last alive intellectual is Mikis Theodorakis who is 80 years old or something y.o. and I can continue for ever. We dont have a hope... But we have corrupted priests, huge amount of syndicates, huge taxes, and a big ego. We live in an ugly dirty city with no green. Last year they burned down all of our forests including Parnitha the last green mountain near Athens. By the way hundreds of red dears where burned (the last remaining of Europe). The only thing that was saved is the casino (that belongs to the ministry of tourism!!!). Anyway as was mentioned before we truly dont have an organized anarchist movement so we did nothing but try to live our lives as near to what we wanted with the less possible connection with the goverment... And that worked time to time. Until they murdered one of us. No is not a revolution. Is rage. Is pure anger. But its real. It exists and it comes from the heart of every teenager. They dont know about theories or politics but they can tell right from wrong and fair from unfair. And they are not gonna stop until they feel that something has changed. And that is the most important/