
09.10.19, 12:08
Hey! Nice text! So true! During my EVS I had a lot of times, these feeling that nothing is good and that you just want to go home. When I felt like you described it in your text I tried to do as much as possible. Just go out, enjoy the sun and meet with people, even if you are not in the mood for it, but believe me, it helps! When you have a lot to do and have loads of fun, your homesickness will go away. Not all of course, but at least so much that you will enjoy your time abroad! :) Good luck and don't forget: life is beautiful!! Greetings, Mushu :)
09.10.19, 12:08
go out for a bratwurst :)
09.10.19, 12:08
im okay, thanks :p the aim was to reflect and say out (or write down) that sometimes life can be hard. but im not depressed, the sun is shining, and thankgod im a vegetarian, so a i dont have to eat wurst :)))
09.10.19, 12:08
but im am really interested what others do in their "down" moments :)