My experiment of a having a very open mindset.
Lately I have been trying to say YES more. So if someone invites me to go somewhere or to do anything, I will say Yes, before I can think as much about it as to say no. Before I can even find a reason not to do it.
So far, this mindset has led me into very exciting new adventures – most oft he time. In Balestrand, for example, I spontaneously joined some friends to go swimming in the Fjord at 1 am and 10°C outside. In Bergen I ended up on a secret “Nachspiel“ (Bergen Slang for Afterhour), after going on a Techno Cruise with new friends.
Last Weekend I travelled to Solund to help at their Lysfestival. So when Ira asked for help with her show there, I just said yes.
It turned out to be a fire-show, where I had to assist her by lighting different torches, manipulate the fire and dance with it a little bit. It was really cold and windy that night, but the torches and the excitement of performing in front of people without having practiced with fire kept us warm!
On my own, I would never have started to dance with fire – ever – but with Ira it was not that scary and actually really exciting. Now I even want to learn how to eat fire myself!
All in all I hope this little word “Yes“ will keep on helping me to try new things and experiment a little more this year.
Lately I have been trying to say YES more. So if someone invites me to go somewhere or to do anything, I will say Yes, before I can think as much about it as to say no. Before I can even find a reason not to do it.