What's happening in ...? Reports from abroad on youthreporter.eu

This is where Youthreporters write as correspondents from their host countries about current events, things that are on their mind, and issues they consider worth talking about. Join them now! Read on to get all the information you need.

Become a youthreporter.eu correspondent!

Youth unemployment in Spain +++ Carnival in european culture +++ The education system in Romania  +++ Hungary: Why staying is not an option anymore  +++ Refugees in Germany +++ Movie festivals in the Chez Republic +++

We’re looking for Youthreporters who want to write as correspondents from their host countries. Under the heading “What’s happening in...? Reports from abroad on youthreporter.eu”, we welcome reports on current issues that young people feel strongly about. What’s getting people talking? What are the hot topics where you are? What’s your personal take on the events covered in the daily news? Get writing!

The issues

You’re welcome to cover the background reports about youth matters in your town or region, any country-specific news, European issues and even global events.

The reports

Your reports should be around 2500-5000 characters. And if you have suitable photographic material, that’s great! Photos make your reports even more readable.

The photos

If you want to attach a photo please make sure that you do own the rights and that you have the depicted people’s agreement.

The fees

We’ll pay you EUR 25 per published article once you return from abroad. Highly active correspondents can earn up to EUR 400. As a Youthreporter you are not an employee. It is therefore your responsibility to clarify whether the fees are subject to tax and insurance. JUGEND für Europa and Agentur für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (the PR agency) will also issue you with a certificate confirming your work as a correspondent.

We organise – you write!

Do you want to be a correspondent but don’t know what exactly to write about? No problem! We’ll help you with writing tipps or suggested subjects.
The editorial team is on hand to provide all correspondents with answers to any questions they may have.

How can I join?

We’re looking for young, enthusiastic youthreporters who are willing to file one or two reports each month. You will have to be a participant of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) who’s either been abroad before, is still there, or is about to go away. If you haven’t contributed as a youthreporter before, please send us a brief sample text to redaktion@youthreporter.eu.

Does that sound good to you? Then don’t waste time – get in touch at redaktion@youthreporter.eu and start writing!

We look forward to hearing from you – on youthreporter.eu