Me at Foz do Iguacu: one of the most beautiful places I ever visited


09.10.19, 12:08
Proud of you, the person you are, and of the one you are becoming!
09.10.19, 12:08
Grüße aus Gartow! Ich bin froh und stolz, dass ich Dich ein Stück Weges begleiten konnte! :-)
09.10.19, 12:08
Gut und ueberzeugend geschrieben. Und du hast vollkommen recht. Man muss aus dem Konfortzone treten um zu erfahren wie man wirklich ist. Dann erst kann man ueber die Zukunft entscheiden. Macht es gut in Edinburgh. Viel Spass und Erfolg.
09.10.19, 12:08
Any Form of travel - even a short, superficial, whirlwind group-trip can open ones eyes and heart. It took me many travels to discover the reasons for my departures. Not only do we learn about ourselves, we also learn why it is we are departing in the first place. It is possible to also learn about ourselves without embarking on ac far away journey. Travel is simply the jolt we might not feel at home, anymore - although we could if we tried. ...because we've gotten desensitized in our "comfort zones"...not because we cannot do discovery in our own back yards. Culture shock, so to say, holes us out of desensitivity... I agree wholeheartedly with you. But also propagate that people learn to look in their own backyards, where there's also so much potential for discovery of self and of others. Be well on all the roads you travel. Proud to learn of your achievements and discoveries.
Oliver Bradley
09.10.19, 12:08
Sensacional!! Que você consiga alcançar seus objetivos, você tem muito talento, amei o texto.
09.10.19, 12:08
I love it !!! It's amazing and I really agree, and I love the way you write !
Juliette (ulpan)
09.10.19, 12:08
Milan Marcus for President! Haha
09.10.19, 12:08
Tens razão, como sempre. Geh deinen Weg!!
09.10.19, 12:08
Top Top quality
09.10.19, 12:08
This story is wonderful! You are the role model for others! Congretulations!
09.10.19, 12:08
so many comments but so little reviews