
37 Jahre
Origine Pakistan
réside actuellement en/au(x)/à Deutschland

À mon propos

inscrit depuis le
Pour moi, l'Europe, c'est ...
I am from the heavenly Hunza valley which is famous for tourists around the world. If you love mountain climbing, cycling, skiing, hiking in the glaciers, hills, meadows and pastures and if you find the friendliest people on Earth, then visit Hunza. I think because of tourism, I am integrating into the German culture more than other friends from Pakistan. Germany (Europe) for me is a pathway to a very bright future. I am already impressed by the orderliness, tidiness and friendliness of German people. I have lived with a German family who treated me like a real family. I just completed my first semesters in my Masters course in International Project Management from Hochschule fur Technik, Stuttgart Germany. I have classes in Portsmouth England on Presentation Skills in the next semester. Also, I will visit Puerto Rica for visiting some projects. Later, I also planned to do my MBA from Liverpool England. There are more to gain in the next years before I step into a practical working arena, an International One. You see, I am in a different world now, a good one.
Si je pars ...
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Je rêve de ...
I dream of giving back in ways I can, a positive life, a life that is full of energy for myself, the country I live in now, the country I belong to and the world. I have met so many nice people from so many different backgrounds and they have helped me in so many ways. I dream of a life where I can also help more and more people.

Mon projet

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Brève description du projet
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